Saturday, 26 September 2009

Lost Time

I seem to have a problem with lost time, not in the Whitley Strieber alien abduction sense but in the constructive usage thereof. 

I am not quite certain where this day has gone, I had grand creative plans for starting my new script and a short story but somehow between cleaning my kitchen, feeding the cat, checking my emails and surfing the web this time is gone. Certainly these activities could not have taken up six hours of the day so I resolve to make a diary detailing every activity I engage in that may be wasting my time.

My father, who is a very talented and creative person seldom spent much time on housework, organisation or any other practical matters and as a result lived in complete squalor but was a musical genius. Perhaps I should take a page out of his book and ignore all practicalities in life to concentrate on my art.

As long I the cat gets fed that's all that matters. 

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